Despite walls sprouting up and troops being deployed across a berlinizing Eastern Europe, and in spite of the EU just recently starting the deportation of war refugees from Greece to Turkey, an EU-financed documentary attacks the milder immigration policies of the Dominican Republic, a nation dealing with deforestation and border security issues that would have long ago led to Geert Wilders becoming Defensive Emperor of Europe.
Just recently, a documentary titled "Our Lives In Transit" was screened in London, featuring leaders of the Haitian-Dominican community decrying "civil genocide." The documentary, showing images of desolation and deforestation in Haiti and blaming Dominicans for sending people there, completely misrepresents the reality of Dominican immigration policy.
The documentary accuses the Dominican government of leaving people stateless, something which is patently false because all descendants of Haitians are considered Haitian citizens by the country's Constitution, and dual-citizenship is not allowed.
The Dominican Republic is an upper-middle income country of 10 million inhabitants; how can the European Union push for such a small country that's already struggling with a weekly influx of thousands to further open up its borders?
After the 2010 earthquake, when cholera and misery became the norm in Haiti, the Dominican government did not close the border, instead opening it up to people needing medical assistance. After living in the developed world for 20 years, I know that the conservative outcry against allowing a wave of medical refugees, some carrying infectious diseases, to enter from a failed state would be deafening and perhaps so strong that it would shut down the functions of government.
Would Europe allow such deforestation at its door? UNEP |
And it is with that same "developed world" mentality that the Dominican Republic needs to operate if it wants to rise from the ranks of misery. Until Haiti gets its act together, the Dominican Republic's first concern should be building a wall to keep its people safe from cholera and deforestation.
The 2010 earthquake which devastated Haiti led to the escape of thousands of dangerous inmates, and this happened again just recently, with murderers and rapists breaking out into a country without a military or functioning police force. The border is wide open, any terrorist from anywhere in the world could just travel to Haiti and from there make his way to resorts where thousands of Europeans vacation.
That the European Union, a continent of more than 700 million, buckled after a population increase that amounted to less than 1%, is absolute proof that the Dominican government should likewise only tolerate a similar percentage of famished economic migrants making the way into its territory.
As long as the European Union continues using its economic and propaganda power to push an open border agenda on a developing Caribbean island, Dominicans will be forced to leave the country. I like living in Europe, but I wish I could write this from my country, comfortably knowing that the border is safe from marauders escaped from the most horrendous prisons imaginable in the Americas.
However, European Union propaganda means that my country's development is held back, and the technocrats in Brussels should consider themselves directly responsible for the cholera which has killed hundreds of Dominicans. Those same technocrats should also consider themselves responsible when a terrorist group makes its way to Haiti and then to a Dominican resort, killing scores in a country inexperienced and unprepared for mass terrorism.