About ten days after the attacks of September the 11th, General Wesley Clark took a trip through the Pentagon and bumped into Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. He went down to say hi to some friends at the Joint Chiefs of Staff who worked under him, when he was approached by a general. The general asked Clark to speak with him for a moment.
According to Clark, the unidentified general informed him that a decision had been made to "go into Iraq." General Clark asked: "We're going to war with Iraq, why?" The unidentified general informed Clark that he did not know why, but that perhaps "they [Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz] don't know what else to do."
Gen. Clark then asked the unidentified general if some information had been found linking Iraq to Al-Qaeda, when he learned that: "No, but we just don't know what do to about terrorists. We have a good military so we can take down governments. If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
General Clark returned to meet with the unidentified general some 6 weeks later, by which point the Bush administration had already started bombing Afghanistan. Gen. Clark asked: "So, we still going to war with Iraq?" The unidentified general informed Clark that it was "worse than that," before reaching for his desk and presenting Clark with a memo that he had received from the office of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld. The unidentified general informed Clark that in his hands he had a memo describing how the US was going to take down seven countries in five years, "starting with Iraq and then Syria, Lebanon, Lybia, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off Iran."
General Clark does admit that he did not see the memo with his own eyes because it was classified, and the plan has changed -- as plans always do -- but it's becoming apparent that America does indeed have a Seven Countries Plan. Though Iraq and Afghanistan derailed American foreign policy, perhaps Obama believes that he is charismatic enough to rally a wounded nation.
In another video, Clark states that the US has been the victim of a "policy coup." Clark states that in 1991 he met with Wolfowitz, who at the time was also high up in the Pentagon, and was told: "We learned that we can use our military in the Middle East, and the Soviets won't stop us. We have about 5 or 10 years to clean up those old Soviet client regimes (Syria, Iran, Iraq) before the next great superpower comes on to challenge us." Clark was shocked: "I've been coming out of the Mojave desert, I've been training troops, I haven't been thinking geostrategy for some time... and suddenly a guy just chugs this nugget at you. It was stunning!"
Clark was stunned to learn that the purpose of the military was to start wars and change governments, that it was not to deter conflict, but to invade countries. Clark then again reiterated that the country had been taken over in a policy coup by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and "a half other dozen collaborators from Project for a New American Century. They wanted us to destabilize the Middle East, turn it upside-down."
Clark then angrily decries the lack of congressional and public debate in the "policy coup." Clark says that Iran and Syria know about the plan because they listen to Bill Kristol and read Weekly News. He said that Iraq was failing [2007] because there has been no debate surrounding our decision to send Americans to die in the region.