On the 11th day of September, 1826, William Morgan was "kidnapped and carried away from the village of Batavia, [New York]... by a number of Freemasons." Less than a month before that fateful day, William Morgan had submitted for publishing a book detailing the secrets of freemasonry.
In his book, Morgan decried freemasonry, arguing that it has no "superior knowledge," and also stating: "Masonry is of itself naked and worthless. It consists of gleanings from the Holy Scriptures, and from the arts and sciences, which have shone in the world. Linking itself with philosophy and science and religion, on this it rests all its claims to veneration and respect. Take away this borrowed aid, and it falls into ruins... Masonry is to the modern world what the whore of Babylon was to the ancient... This institution will be a machine to press down the free born spirit of men. We have now no tyrant to rule over us -- no kingly potentate to move over our heads the rod of authority; but high in our elevation, and invincible in our strongholds, we put at defiance secret cabals and associations."
In his book, Morgan decried freemasonry, arguing that it has no "superior knowledge," and also stating: "Masonry is of itself naked and worthless. It consists of gleanings from the Holy Scriptures, and from the arts and sciences, which have shone in the world. Linking itself with philosophy and science and religion, on this it rests all its claims to veneration and respect. Take away this borrowed aid, and it falls into ruins... Masonry is to the modern world what the whore of Babylon was to the ancient... This institution will be a machine to press down the free born spirit of men. We have now no tyrant to rule over us -- no kingly potentate to move over our heads the rod of authority; but high in our elevation, and invincible in our strongholds, we put at defiance secret cabals and associations."
Morgan's book details all of the rituals and beliefs that Masons held at the time, beyond also decrying them as usurpers of freedom. Morgan was the Edward Snowden of his time, and I'm certain that his very detailed lists of revelations led to the changing of many aspects of freemasonry. Beyond some fundamental things, Morgan would not recognize freemasonry today;
"To whom did our ancient brethren dedicate their lodges?"
"To king Solomon."
"Why so?"
"Because king Solomon was our most ancient Grand Master."
"To whom do modern Masons dedicate their lodges?"
"To St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist."
"Why so?"
"To whom did our ancient brethren dedicate their lodges?"
"To king Solomon."
"Why so?"
"Because king Solomon was our most ancient Grand Master."
"To whom do modern Masons dedicate their lodges?"
"To St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist."
"Why so?"
"Because they were the two most ancient Christian patrons of Masonry; and since their time, in every well regulated & governed lodge there has been a certain point within a circle, which circle is bounded or, the east and the west by two perpendicular and parallel lines, representing the anniversary of St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist, who were two perfect parallels, as well in Masonry as Christianity; on the vertex of which rests the book of the Holy Scriptures, supporting Jacob's ladder, which is said to reach the watery clouds; and in passing round this circle we naturally touch on both these perpendicular parallel lines, as well as the book of the Holy Scriptures, and while a Mason keeps himself thus circumscribed he cannot materially err."
Morgan essentially revealed every aspect of freemasonry, and for that he was kidnapped and disappeared. His disappearance would eventually spark an anti-masonic movement, and the formation of the Anti-Masonic party. Only history can say whether Morgan was assassinated or if he assumed a different identity in another country, but people at the time were convinced that he had been murdered as part of a masonic conspiracy.
President Andrew Jackson, a known Mason, became the target of the ensuing unrest; his opponent Thurlow Weed formed the Anti-Masonic party, eventually gaining the support of at-the-time ex-President John Quincy Adams. By 1829 -- fewer than three years after Morgan was disappeared -- the Anti-Masonic party had become the main opposition party in New York.
The Anti-Masonic party would succeed in electing state governors, but it was a short-lived third party. Nonetheless, its existence proves that people were concerned about secret conspiracies and elitist groups. People today are much easier to disappear, and there are more secret societies in government than at any time in history. The 2004 election -- pitting Skull & Bones against Skull & Bones -- is proof enough that America needs a third party. As JFK stated:"We are as a people are inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings."