Roy Tabaré, a renowned Dominican singer and composer, stands accused of psychological and physical abuse against his former partner, but he has bravely taken to Facebook to address a problem that affects many Dominican men not just down on the island, but also in New York City: abusive women who essentially keep them as hostages, using the long-arm of Dominican law to intimidate and manipulate.
Bravely spoke out on hidden epidemic. El Caribe |
Mr. Tabaré said in his Facebook video that he ended his relationship in December due to the fact that his ex-wife would beat him and keep him isolated, threatening that if he left she would accuse him of domestic abuse.
When Mr. Tabaré announced on the 29th of December that he was leaving his home, his wife grew viciously enraged and threw a chair at him, forcing him to flee to a neighbor's home, who later drove him to his brother's house. Mr. Tabaré was not able to recover any of his possessions, and he had to leave his dwelling with the clothes on his back, afraid that he'd be hunted down by the law.
According to Listin Diario, a large-circulation daily in the Dominican Republic, Mr. Tabaré's wife allegedly locked herself in her house, accusing him of kidnapping in a series of tweets after being unable to locate him. She called all of his friends, audio which he was fortunate enough to record in his defense.
Despite all of the evidence against his wife, Mr. Tabaré still has to fly out of the United States mainland, to face the accusations of domestic violence and psychological abuse against him down on the island.