Seth Rich Killed by Scalia's Assassin: Source

Murdered for telling the truth.
Abreu Report has received terrifying information: the person responsible for killing Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is the same man who brutally murdered Seth Rich, and he's still roaming the United States, plotting against his next target.

Last year, Abreu Report was the first on the scene reporting on the suspicious nature of  Justice Scalia's death, with our groundbreaking investigation being analyzed by even the Taiwanese media as it was irrefutably established that the most powerful conservative judge in the United States was killed for planning to reveal who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

And now the people who plunged the US into the longest war in American history have decided that yet more loyal citizens can be eliminated, with even President Trump's life at risk.

Seth Rich was brutally gunned down in the streets of Washington DC, and the shadow state took him out to prove a point: that anyone who talks can be taken out anywhere with impunity. 

The deep state continues burying evidence that could help find the man responsible for killing two of America's most important patriots of the 21st century, and we all have to fear that they will continue killing again with absolute impunity.