Masada was a Jewish fortress that withstood a Roman siege for three years. The Jewish defenders, instead of allowing themselves to be taken by the Romans, decided to commit mass suicide:
"At the beginning of the Revolt of the Jews against the Romans in 66 CE, a group of Jewish rebels overcame the Roman garrison of Masada.... Then, in 73 CE, Roman governor Flavius Silva marched against Masada with the Tenth Legion, auxiliary units and thousands of Jewish prisoners-of-war. The Romans established camps at the base of Masada, laid siege to it and built a circumvallation wall. They then constructed a rampart of thousands of tons of stones and beaten earth against the western approaches of the fortress and, in the spring of 74 CE, moved a battering ram up the ramp and breached the wall of the fortress.
Once it became apparent that the Tenth Legion's battering rams and catapults would succeed in breaching Masada's walls, Elazar ben Yair - the Zealots’ leader - decided that all the Jewish defenders should commit suicide; the alternative facing the fortress’s defenders were hardly more attractive than death.
The defenders – almost one thousand men, women and children – led by ben Yair, burnt down the fortress and killed each other. The Zealots cast lots to choose 10 men to kill the remainder. They then chose among themselves the one man who would kill the survivors. That last Jew then killed himself.
To many, Masada symbolizes the determination of the Jewish people to be free in its own land."
In 2007, Hal Lindsey wrote for WND:
"Apparently, Bashar Assad now believes Israel can be beaten. Assad is miscalculating. In the event Syria launches a gas attack on Israel, it’s a virtual certainty that Damascus would be instantly obliterated by Israeli nuclear weapons.
The thought of being gassed evokes a visceral response among Israel’s Holocaust survivors and their descendants that Damascus wildly underestimates. Israel has more than 400 nuclear weapons in hidden silos in various places within its borders, as well as at least two submarines in the Mediterranean that are launch capable. And you can be certain that in the event of a massive WMD attack by the Syrians, Israel will respond in kind."
Hal Lindsey met Ariel Sharon in the 1970s and asked him about the Masada Option. Sharon claimed that Israel was using the Samson Option, no longer the Masada Option. Nonetheless, the Masada Option remains a part of Israeli policy, and should Israel find itself overwhelmed with chemical weapons, we will see a wave of terror that will make the Kamikazes of WWII pale by comparison.