This past Friday, Listin Diario, the oldest-surviving and thus one of the most influential Dominican dailies, suggested that people without even a history of violence be implanted with subcutaneous chips that could facilitate their tracking.
Listin Diario recommended in its Friday column that individuals with restraining orders from their former partners be "tattooed electronically" if possible, and that this form of tracking was "internationally acceptable."
Within a day of Listin Diario's proposal, Dominguez Brito, the Dominican Republic's top prosecutor, jumped on the electronic bandwagon and said that leg bracelets did not go far enough, that "the new technology [subcutaneous chips] was needed to fight crime."
Dominguez Brito went on to say that the technology should be implemented in an even "more broad manner," and that it be used against anyone the state considers dangerous.
Dominguez Brito further suggested that chips be implanted in prisoners performing penal labor outside of their prison's gates.
Legal experts come out clamoring for chips. LD |
Beyond the country's oldest paper and the nation's top prosecutor, the major legal organizations have by today already come out in favor of implanting chips in men suspected of violence against their former partners.
Servio Tulio CastaƱos Guzman, one of the foremost legal experts in the Dominican Republic, argued to Listin Diario that the high number of people who failed to show up to court justified the mass implantation of chips in the civilian population, especially in light of the number of femicides taking place in the Dominican Republic.
Given the level of support from the elite, it seems that this measure will likely soon become the new normal in Latin America's fastest-growing economy.
Next month, the Dominican government will begin deporting over 100,000 Haitians, and it is fairly likely that deported immigrants will also be implanted with chips in order to prevent their potential re-entry into the country.
Last year, the Dominican government began deploying drones to protect its forested areas, and, just recently, discussions began to build a "deforestation buffer" with Haiti.
It's now fairly obvious that the entire border will be a drone-protected forest where anyone caught attempting to penetrate will be implanted with a chip that facilitates aerial tracking.
And because Dominican males suspected of violence against their partners shall be implanted with chips, the Dominican government will argue that the mass implantation of chips in the deported Haitian population is not a discriminatory act.