It appears that an unexpected change in script for Washington with President-elect Donald Trump's victory resulted in the untimely arrest of rebel warlord Guy Philippe, who was slated to join Haiti's senate in the coming weeks. As a senator, Mr. Philippe would have been given immunity from extradition to the United States, and had Hillary Clinton won the presidency, it is very likely that the former CIA asset would have used his senatorial status to execute a coup d'etat, utilizing his ragtag army to overthrow the unstable government in Port-au-Prince.
Arrest sets off avalanche of uncertainty. LAS |
And indeed it appears that Mr. Philippe's arrest may herald instability the likes of which the island of Hispaniola has not seen since a brutal earthquake mercilessly devastated the country. The Dominican portal AlMomento reported over the weekend that an avalanche of Haitian nationals was streaming into the eastern side of the island, with many predicting that chaos will now reign as a stabilizing factor disappears from Haitian life.
The Dominican government, expecting anarchy in the wake of Mr. Philippe's arrest, raised border security and managed to apprehend a large number of the individuals who would have infiltrated into the wealthier side of the island. It is unclear how many of these individuals were former assets of Mr. Philippe who fear retribution or persecution should they remain leaderless in a country where they overthrew the popular, democratically-elected government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide at the behest of the George W. Bush administration.
An intelligence expert consulted by Abreu Report writes that he has decried in national security circles the risk that a disbanded army with high-caliber weapons represents since now they have no directive.
Since 2014, a globalist-minded president in the Dominican Republic has yielded to international pressure and opened up the border while providing residence permits at no cost to Haitian nationals. In essence, the president of the Dominican Republic has been enabling people who have the face of the enemy, the name of the enemy, the accent of the enemy, and who don't have 300 dollars to contribute in the event of a national emergency.
Since most intelligence experts predict that there will be a resource war on the island of Hispaniola owing to Haiti's status as a failed state and the pressures that this will place with unfettered immigration, the Dominican president is essentially legalizing for free individuals who could be co-opted by the enemy at a low cost due to their status as members of a vulnerable population.
Donald Trump's rise to power in the United States means that the Dominican president will now face tremendous pressure to crack down on individuals who cannot pay for residence permits, get jobs, and accordingly contribute to national security. Should the Dominican president fail to crack down on potential threats to the defense of the republic in the event of an invasion, he will be in essence financing the uplifting of a fifth column within Dominican soil.